Register to read Dreams Unfold: The Pencils of Promise Adventure on World Book Day!
On Tuesday, April 23 Pencils of Promise (PoP) invites you to celebrate World Book Day with us by reading this special story of dreams fulfilled. On this day, PoP students around the world will receive their copy of Dreams Unfold. Get your copy and let's read together! 
There are many ways to participate: read on your own, gather a group to read aloud, or volunteer to read in a classroom! Sign up below to let us know how you will share this moment of connection and love of reading with PoP students.

Please add as much description to your event as possible so we can share on PoP's social media! Some details to include: numbers of readers, type of reading event, etc. Please share pictures and tag us on social media @pencilsofpromise #PoPWorldBookDay